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Vol. 1:  On Isolation

Isolation in Nature

Isolation in Nature

artwork by Sonal Jadhav


acrylic on canvas

Addiction in Isolation

Addiction in Isolation

artwork by Sonal Jadhav


Lock in Own Space

artwork by Sonal Jadhav

pen on paper

pen on paper

These artworks depict everyone’s isolation situation. We are more addicted to our digital gadgets and are spending more time with them for entertainment. We are locked in our own space and that obscures our minds leading us to feel toxic about sitting at home, alone and doing nothing. But nature is always on our side and lots of people take it’s support for being stable as it provides the perfect environment for yoga and meditation that are good for stable mental health.

Sonal Rajan Jadhav is a fine artist from Maharashtra, India. She is a printmaker who works using the traditional way of printmaking. She also works on various subjects like creative drawing and landscapes. You can find her on instagram @sonalrajanjadhav

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