Idō _ Movement
artwork by Athiba Balasubramanian
Striving for balance in these uncertain times with a 3rd invisible element that seems to be teaching us a lesson on priorities, life, and nature.

An inclusive independent journal with a focus on literature & art
The Day Cocks Refused To Crow
Poem by Gbọ́láhàn Adébíyì
The day cocks refused to crow
Down in the valley of an island snow.
Darkness billowing like the breeze
In my aloneness, around a little candle for a tea
Reminiscing sweet perfs of strangers on broadways
The little candle, a hope for the coming light
Will not last the night for another Star
Nor the day in another night
Feelings unexpressed
Love unconfessed
Memories of previous day
Wishing to relive them once again.
The life I’d lived, the lies I’d told
Screaming at me, in my darkened soul.
The night wash me with a waterfall of its essence
Evoking thrills of yang experience
A new feel, a new will
A new me, a new ding
As the night refused to retire
And the cocks renounce their duty of crier
Shovel in hand, digging my six feet pit.
At the horizon
Glimmer of a peeping yellow sun
As the breeze echoes the new dawn lullaby
And the cocks begin to cry.
Gbọ́láhàn Adébíyì is a Media Practitioner studying History at the University of Ìbàdàn. One of his poems is published in Kreaxxxion Review. He loves life and appreciates the spirituality of being.