Idō _ Movement
artwork by Athiba Balasubramanian
Striving for balance in these uncertain times with a 3rd invisible element that seems to be teaching us a lesson on priorities, life, and nature.
An inclusive independent journal with a focus on literature & art
in a yesterday schoolroom I translated Metamorphoses: Cadmus, Acteon, and Semele - victims of divine caprice and pantheon’s spite, their transmogrification not as tragic as it should have been in my imagination
so aware was I of my wrong skin, my wrong form, which showed no reflection of who I wished to be or of the spark within, that - if there had been gods - I would have seen as kind their cruel intervention peeling the layers away or burning to effect transformation to leave me new, acceptable to those looking on –reinvented, re-presented, a Bacchus bis natus, twice-born
yet such divinities do not exist. I woke each day and knew my imperfections to be as unaddressed as lead resists alchemy - my irreducible being of mortal clay and hopeful gnosis damned to endure this earthly course unchanged with no redemptive metamorphosis
Nicki Blake is an emerging writer based in Perth, Western Australia. Born in England with a heritage that is both European and South-East Asian, Nicki’s writing focuses on themes of identity, inclusivity, the natural world, and the interaction between people and their environments. She can be found on Twitter @strawberrythief