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A Note from the Editors

“Even the farthest seers can’t bend their gaze beyond their era’s horizon of possibility. but the horizon shifts with each incremental revolution as the human mind peers outward to take in nature, then turns inward to question its own givens. We sieve the world through the mesh of these certitudes, tautened by nature and culture, but every once in a while - whether by accident or conscious effort - the wire loosens and the kernel of a revolution slips through.

Maria Popova, Figuring

As December draws to a close, we bring to you this second edition of The Open Culture Collective while waiting for the debris of explosions, bushfires, outbreaks, and protests to settle. It’s been a formidable year, and so often we have sought the comfort of words and art in the absence of friends, family, and freedom. This is how the issue you are reading came to be. 


Our aim to strengthen both ourselves and our collective of readers, contributors, and well-wishers has been emboldened by the quality of work and mastery of style we have had the privilege to include. Although we are a fledgling zine still learning things on a day-to-day basis, we promise to hold true to our principle of intersectionality and freedom of expression — now more than ever. Your voices matter to us, and it remains our greatest honour to home and showcase your work.


Thank you for your trust and continued encouragement. We hope you have a safe and lovely new year. 


See you in 2021.

Jasmitha Arvind

Rashmi S

Meghna Anil Nair

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© 2023 The Open Culture Collective

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